

  1. ​Docker​

  2. ​AWS credentials​


See cluster configuration to learn how you can customize your cluster.

# install the CLI on your machine
bash -c "$(curl -sS"
# provision infrastructure on AWS and spin up a cluster
cortex cluster up

Note: This will create resources in your AWS account which aren't included in the free tier, e.g. an EKS cluster, two Elastic Load Balancers, and EC2 instances (quantity and type as specified above). To use GPU nodes, you may need to subscribe to the EKS-optimized AMI with GPU Support and file an AWS support ticket to increase the limit for your desired instance type.

Deploy a model

# clone the Cortex repository
git clone -b 0.11
# navigate to the iris classifier example
cd cortex/examples/sklearn/iris-classifier
# deploy the model to the cluster
cortex deploy
# view the status of the deployment
cortex get --watch
# get the API's endpoint
cortex get classifier
# classify a sample
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "sepal_length": 5.2, "sepal_width": 3.6, "petal_length": 1.4, "petal_width": 0.3 }' \
<API endpoint>


# delete the deployment
cortex delete iris

See uninstall if you'd like to uninstall Cortex.